Jenesis 23.4.0 Full Version Now Available

Version 23.4.0 is now available for download if you are on the desktop version of Jenesis. If you are hosted, and most of you are, you will be automatically updated over the next few weeks.

Some of the features in this version include

  1. Templates are no longer using the Insured Name in the Subject but now will use the subject entered on the template form. This subject field has been added to the template form for this reason. Check out the video.
  2. We fixed Acord 125 to display all the prior/loss history
  3. We added Acord 90 CA to be prefilled.
  4. We fixed the vehicle information to display if there are more than 4 vehicles on the policy. Acord 127 (Business Auto Section) will display the first 4 vehicles and Acord 129 (Vehicle Section) will display the rest. Check out the video.
  5. The certificate description has been updated to allow users to enter up to 400 characters. Anything over that will be prompted if more information is needed and Acord 101 will be opened.
  6. We have added 10,000 to the Med Pay drop-down for General Liability policies.
  7. We have added the Current Company and the answer to the Prior Coverage question in QuoteControl to the Quote Grid by User report on the Quotes tab of Production Reports.
  8. Updated Acord 90 CA to the latest version 2023/01
  9. We have added the option to Save, Print & Save, View PDF and Save to Images on the Endorsement Reports.
  10. We fixed Acord 125 to display all the prior loss history.
  11. The QuoteControl list on the dashboard will now limit the number of quotes visible to 100. This change was made so the form will open faster.
  12. Added notes to the J-Dex printed list.

Check out the video for additional update help