Training Your Team for a New Insurance Management System

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Getting a new insurance management system for your agency is more than buying a new software tool. An insurance management system typically comes with a short onboarding period and training. This is necessary to ensure all departments know how to use the software to its full potential. If all employees are not on the same page, it may lead to communication breakdowns and half-entered data.

You can avoid frustration and delays by treating the training process as a crucial part of your new management system. To do this, prepare everyone in your agency for a set of training sessions.

Preparation Phase

The preparation phase will inevitably come with resistance. Some employees may feel that the agency doesn’t need a new system, while others may want to avoid attending more training sessions at all costs. You can reduce this technology adoption resistance by making the training sessions fun and engaging. Allow everyone to ask questions, even silly ones. Try out the system by making up fictitious (and hilarious) client data.

While you’re having fun, don’t forget to add value to the training session. Assess every employee’s training needs and consider their learning styles. Have written materials for those who prefer it and visual presentations for others. This way, you create a comprehensive training plan that employees can refer to as they use the new software.

Effective Training Strategies

Effective training strategies will always be hands-on. You must be first in line to try out the new system and share your experiences. Training sessions should preferably be in-person, but an online backup should still be available for remote employees. Ask the software provider for online training modules, if available. If you don’t want to head the training sessions, you can ask someone from the software company to give your employees a detailed overview of how the system works. You can also set up sandbox areas to allow your employees to experiment with the system before you start loading real-life data.

The sandbox learning method will also help your employees replicate real-life scenarios, like communicating with clients and processing claims using the system. In most instances, the software provider can assist with a replicated test platform to train and build confidence in your team.

It is crucial to design the training sessions so that they hold value for individual roles and responsibilities. Determine how each employee will use the system and provide them with training modules applicable to their specific tasks. Not everyone will use every part of the software platform, so train each team member on the sections they will use the most.

During training, you can implement exercises and simulations that allow your employees to see how their use of the management system will affect client satisfaction. Do not stick only to module or book learning. Instead, add the use of role-specific scenarios to help your employees apply what they have learned.

Engaging Your Team

Again, not everyone will be enthusiastic about a new system or training. It may be a good idea to incentivize one or two training sessions. For instance, you could reward individual employees or teams who are engaged and do well during training.

Talk to your team about the training. Tell them why the agency needs a new system and the importance of everyone knowing how to use it. Something as simple as a conversation could help turn potential negativity around. Remind your employees that enhancing their skills can help them advance their careers. Training counts as professional development, and it can help them apply for internal positions in the future.

Create a supportive environment throughout and even after training. Employees who feel supported and heard are more likely to participate in company activities like training and development. Ensure that your employees have documents to refer to when they use the system for real data and give them the support they need to get through the initial teething period.

Measuring Training Success

You should measure the success of your training sessions by implementing feedback channels for your employees. This will help you determine which parts of the training went well and which parts could have gone better. In addition to feedback, you should continuously assess how well your team retains their knowledge of the new system. Put measures in place to test whether the application of the training is helping your team work more efficiently. Consider setting up a peer-to-peer coaching system to ensure new employees receive the same training.

Ongoing Training and Adaptation

Software systems typically come with various updates spread out over months and years. They are also scalable to handle an increase in data volumes. This means that training and adaptation should be part and parcel of your agency. Consider implementing quarterly training so that every employee gets the chance to sharpen their skills, including new employees.

Training is not something that employees usually look forward to, but it is a valuable investment in any agency’s success. It is also an investment in efficiency and customer service, two elements of insurance agencies that ensure longevity.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth roll out of your new agency management system. Interested in finding out how JenesisNow can help your agency? Request a demo, today!